Search Results | airplane -wright

Your search for "airplane -wright" returned 271 results

5 Ideas for Experiments on Conserving Energy

About 70 percent of our energy comes from non-renewable sources like oil and natural gas. When they're gone, they're gone for good. Learn some simple ways to conserve energy through these five simple experiments.

How a Sharknado Would Work

It's hard to resist a movie where bloodthirsty beasts fall from the sky, especially if Ian Ziering stars! How might the science behind this B movie work?

5 Things Jenga Can Teach Us About Structural Engineering

Jenga seems like such a simple game -- all you have to do is keep a tower of wooden blocks from toppling over. It may be simple, but it's anchored by several complex structural engineering concepts.

How Laser Communication Works

When speed is everything and light marks the universe's speed limit, lasers are bound to be the answer. At least, that's what NASA and a bunch of Wall Street types are betting on.

10 Major Players in the Private Sector Space Race

Sure, the shuttles may be sitting around in museums now, but our journey to space is far from over. Get ready to meet some serious contenders in the new space race.

How Nuclear Submarines Work

Nuclear submarines are powered by nuclear reactors and may carry nuclear weapons. Read about nuclear submarines and how they changed the world's oceans forever.

How Meteorology Works

Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and the myriad phenomena that keep it in moving. Learn how far meteorology has come over the years.

How Bomb-sniffing Dogs Work

You probably have no idea what explosives smell like. But dogs can be trained to detect that distinctive smell, even if it's just wafting through the air.

How Spacewalks Work

When astronauts talk moonwalking, they don't mean the Michael Jackson dance move. Spacewalks take an entire day of preparation -- and a 240-pound space suit.

How Crop Circles Work

Are crop circles the work of alien visitors? Are they a natural phenomenon? Are they elaborate hoaxes perpetrated by some very dedicated humans? Learn how researchers try to separate the supernatural from the scientific.

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