Search Results | hydropower

Your search for "hydropower" returned 30 results

10 Amazing Green Cities

Sure, the Emerald City looked green, but you won't need green-tinted glasses to see how environmentally friendly the cities on this list are. What makes a city amazingly green?

Why Can't We Generate All Our Energy From Wind Power?

Why can't we generate all the electricity we need from the wind? Learn more about generating energy from wind power.

How Power Grids Work

Electrical power is a little bit like the air you breathe: You don't really think about it until it is missing. There are good reasons the power grid distribution system works the way it does, though it can lead to some big problems.

How Wind Power Works

When air moves quickly, that motion means kinetic energy, which can be captured. Learn how the simplest possible wind-energy turbine works.

Cryptocurrency Has a Huge Negative Impact on Climate Change

Critics warn that cryptocurrency networks, whose computers use enormous amounts of electricity to verify transactions, could be a factor in warming the planet. The industry is working to change that.

What's the Difference Between a Windmill and a Wind Turbine?

Windmills and wind turbines work on the same core principle to convert wind into energy, but one creates mechanical energy while the other creates electricity. Here's how they work.

What are the pros and cons of hydrogen energy?

What are the pros and cons of hydrogen energy? Learn about this innovative green technology and the pros and cons of hydrogen energy.

How Blackouts Work

Blackouts are explained in this article. Learn about blackouts.

10 Longest Rivers in the U.S.: From the Missouri to the Brazos

We bet you're looking up the longest river in the U.S. to settle a bet: Is it the Missouri River or the Mississippi River? It depends how you measure.

How much power does the world consume?

World power consumption is dominated by the world's richest countries. Learn about world power consumption and find out how much power the world consumes.

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