Search Results | sound

Your search for "sound" returned 716 results

What is a wavelength?

Wavelengths are used to measure the size of a wave. Learn about wavelengths in this article.

What Are Decibels, and How Are They Measured?

The decibel scale measures sound based on human hearing, which makes it one of the most unusual scientific measurements. How are decibel calculated and what do they tell us about sound?

How Tuning Forks Work

Pianos lose their tuning, guitars fall out of key -- even church organs need to be tuned every now and then. For centuries, the only sure-fire way to tell if an instrument was in tune was to use a tuning fork.

How LRAD Works

What makes sound a weapon? Review the basics of sound and discover exactly how the LRAD produces its "beam of sound." We'll also explore LRAD's hailing and warning abilities and other uses for sound.

How Acoustic Levitation Works

The idea that something so intangible as acoustic levitation can lift objects may seem unbelievable, but it's a real phenomenon.

What Is White Noise?

What is white noise? There's a little more to it than the ambient noise you associate with a humming air conditioner or whirring fan.

Can humans hear in space?

To hear in space involves several variables, including sound movement and environmental medium. Learn if humans hear in space.


Overtone is a sound accompanying the main tone produced by a vibrating body. The number and loudness of overtones determine the timbre, or tone color, of a musical sound.

Sonification: Listening to the Haunting Sounds of the Universe

Sonification is the process of taking data and turning it into sound. When it come to the universe we live in, scientists are finding that the sounds are definitely otherwordly and very beautiful.

How Ultrasonic Welding Works

You probably know that high pitched or high frequency sounds can break materials apart. But did you know that high frequency sounds can be used to bond materials together?

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