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Your search for "video game" returned 80 results

The Fastest Fictional Spaceships

If you asked, most science fiction fans could probably name their favorite spaceships from television or cinema. Whether it’s the USS Enterprise or an Imperial Star Destroyer, they’re all pretty equal on the imaginative scale. However, when it comes to sheer speed, there are some fictional spaceships that are clearly faster than others. The Milano […] The post The Fastest Fictional Spaceships appeared first on Goliath.

5 Innovative Social Devices

Smartphones, tablets and other devices are not just useful; they can improve your social life. We'll look at some of the newest ways to integrate social media into whatever you're doing.

How Rail Guns Work

Rail guns leave gunpowder-based weapons in the dust (one can hit a target 250 miles away in six minutes). So why isn't the military using them? Find out how rail guns can be used and learn about the limitations of this technology.

5 Green Methods to Survive the Apocalypse

The green movement isn't going to die just because the world ends. In fact, sustainable types might even have a leg up post-apocalypse. Here's how.

What is the history of the remote control?

These days, remote controls seem to, well, control our lives. Most people tend to have piles of them strewn about their living rooms. But where did this ubiquitous technology come from? Where is it headed?

10 Cool Inventions From the 1980s

Though the 1980s might remind you of the days of MTV and leg warmers, there was a lot going on in technology. In fact, quite a few of the technologies we rely on today were making their debut.

How Does an Invisibility Cloak Work?

With optical-camouflage technology, the invisibility cloak is a reality. Learn what it is.

What If You Traveled Faster Than the Speed of Light?

The speed of light is like that annoying friend who beats you at every game. What would happen if humans one day surpassed the cosmic speed limit?

How F/A-22 Raptors Work

The F/A-22 Raptor incorporates the latest stealth technology with a wide array of weapons and computer systems. Learn what sets this jet apart from the F-15.

How can spam e-mail help fight HIV?

Do spam e-mail and HIV have something in common? Find out if spam e-mail and HIV is linked and learn about new methods for HIV treatment.

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