When interpreting the World Tarot card in a reading, it’s essential to consider both its upright and reversed positions. In its upright position, the World card signifies completion, achievement, and unity in a positive light. On the other hand, the reversed World card can represent the potential for incompletion of a certain task, goal, or project, and suggests that something may be hindering you from fulfilling the last steps.
Let’s delve deeper into the meanings of the World card in different aspects of life, such as love, career, and personal growth.
Upright World Tarot Card Meaning
In its upright position, the World card is a powerful symbol of:
- Accomplishment
- Unity
- Confidence
- Success
It indicates that your knowledge and sentiments will be put to excellent use, enabling you to confidently and successfully accomplish your goals. The card also suggests that exciting new horizons are opening up for you, and the possibilities that are currently available to you are endless.
In a financial tarot spread, the World card can represent:
- Achieving financial goals
- Relishing the rewards of one’s hard work
- Personal growth and development
- Cherishing the lessons learned from past experiences
- Using past experiences to create a better future
In a love tarot reading, the World card symbolizes a joyful merging of celebrations and gatherings for the benefit of all, and it can also represent achieving a fulfilling outcome in a love reading. In a career context, the World card can signify achieving career goals, obtaining a desired position, or finishing a successful project.
Reversed World Tarot Card Meaning
The reversed World card carries a message of potential growth and learning from mistakes, as well as the importance of taking a break to re-evaluate goals and find creative solutions. In a love reading, the reversed World card can suggest that although it may be difficult, it is possible to move on from a past relationship without closure. The card also encourages you not to linger in the past, but to focus on finding a new path to inner peace and acceptance.
In a career and finance context, the reversed World card can signify:
- The potential for growth through hard work, consistency, and determination
- The need for a few more elements to complete the puzzle
- The potential to reach even greater heights
- The importance of taking necessary steps to reach your goals
- The need to embrace challenges along the way
- The ultimate result of a fulfilling and rewarding experience