Search Results | Global Warming -everest

Your search for "Global Warming -everest" returned 192 results

NOAA's Argo Program Has Been Observing the Oceans for Two Decades

NOAA's Argo program distributes floating observatories across the globe. Why? They collect data about the world's oceans that is critical to understanding the planet.

How Carbon Footprints Work

While actual footprints measure size, weight and speed, carbon footprints measure how much carbon dioxide (CO2) we produce in our daily lives. Do you know how big your carbon footprint is?

When Is the Earth Going to End?

The end of Earth will likely come about because of the sun in our solar system. This much you might already know, but we actually have an approximate date.

Is NASCAR really that bad for the environment?

Is NASCAR bad for the environment? Find of if NASCAR is bad for the environment in this article.

Could Planting 1 Trillion Trees Counteract Climate Change?

Many scientists say that the response to climate change will require planting new trees. A whole lot of them.

How Carbon Offsets Work

Carbon offsets are a form of trade that funds projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Learn about carbon offsets and carbon offset programs.

How Much Coal Is Required to Run a 100-watt Light Bulb 24 hours a Day for a Year?

Where electricity is produced from a coal fired power station, how much coal is required to run a 100-watt light bulb 24 hours a day for one year?

Where did the moon come from?

The origin of the moon is explained in this article. Learn about the origin of the moon.

How the Sierra Club Works

The Sierra Club protects the environment by lobbying for environmental preservation. Learn more about the Sierra Club conservation efforts.

What 'An Inconvenient Truth' Got Right (And Wrong) About Climate Change

Now that its sequel is out, where did Al Gore's landmark environmental documentary hit the mark? What did it get wrong?

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