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How Human Cloning Will Work

By: Kevin Bonsor & Cristen Conger

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  • Burton, Kelli Whitlock. "Cloning in America." GeneWatch. November/December 2005.
  • Clonaid Web site. http://ww­
  • "Cloning Fact Sheet." Human Genome Project Information. Updated July 23, 2008. (Sept. 3, 2008)
  • "Human clones: New U.N. analysis lays out world's choices." Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week. Dec. 2, 2007.
  • Javitt, Gail H.; Suthers, Kristen; and Hudson Kathy. "Cloning: A Policy Analysis." Genetics & Public Policy Center. May 23, 2005. (Sept. 3, 2008)
  • Kirby, Alex. "Cloned human planned 'by 2003.'" BBC News. Jan. 30, 2001.
  • Lamb, Gregory M. "How Cloning Stacks Up." Christian Science Monitor. July 13, 2006. (Sept. 3, 2008)
  • "Use of Cloning Technology to Clone a Human Being." FDA. Updated Dec. 27, 2002. (Sept. 3, 2008)
