Search Results | Global Warming -everest

Your search for "Global Warming -everest" returned 192 results

Are We Entering the Sixth Major Extinction on Earth?

A new global report says 1 million species are at risk of extinction — the greatest number in human history.

Why do small changes in Earth's temperature have a big impact?

Though not everyone agrees why the Earth is getting warmer, temperatures are inching up worldwide. A couple of degrees doesn't seem like such a big deal. What difference can a subtle change make?

Is hurricane intensity increasing?

Is hurricane intensity increasing? It all depends on who you ask. How have scientists come to so many different conclusions about the ferocity of these seasonal storms?

Quiz: Can You Tell Climate Change Fact From Fiction?

Think you can tell the facts from myths of climate change? Find out with this HowStuffWorks quiz.

Will we soon be extinct?

A mass extinction on Earth is long overdue, according to population ecologists. Find out what Earth's fossil record may be telling us about our future.

6 Charts to Help Explain Climate Change

The science is off the charts. Climate change is here and it's affecting the planet. We'll tell you how and where.

What will the Earth look like in 50,000 years?

The Earth in 50,000 years will most likely be a very different place. Learn about the Earth in 50,000 years in this article.

Green Science Pictures

This green science image gallery shows eco-friendly applications as they apply to scientific disciplines. Take a look at these green science pictures.

What If the Oceans Disappeared?

People would look underground for water and maybe just stay there to escape the fiery hell on Earth's surface. But could humanity really last without the seas?

How Ocean Currents Work

Ocean currents may be driven by tides, winds or differences in density. Learn how ocean currents affect marine transportation and nutrient cycling.

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