Search Results | corrective lenses

Your search for "corrective lenses" returned 25 results

How Breast Implants Work

Breast implants are becoming a popular high school graduation present for parents in the U.S. to give their teens. Learn all about breast implants and the surgical process of augmentation.

How Telescopes Work

For centuries, curious observers have probed the heavens with the aid of telescopes. Today, both amateur and professional scopes magnify images in a variety of ways.

How Light Microscopes Work

The human eye misses a lot -- enter the incredible world of the microscopic! Explore how a light microscope works.

How Holograms Work

If you want to see a hologram, you don't have to look much farther than your wallet. But the most impressive holograms are large scale and illuminated with lasers or displayed in a darkened room with carefully directed lighting. Learn how a hologram, light and your brain work together make clear, 3-D images.

How Crime Scene Photography Works

Crime scene photography is used to record evidence of a crime. Learn what crime scene photography is used for and why it needs to be admissable in court.

What Did Isaac Newton Discover? 10 of Sir Isaac Newton's Inventions

Almost 300 years after his death, Sir Isaac Newton remains one of the most influential thinkers in history. What are some of his most enduring inventions?

How Sidewinder Missiles Work

A Sidewinder missile weaves through the air toward an enemy target as if it has a mind of its own -- and in a way, it does. High-tech "smart weapons" take most of the guess work out of hitting a target. Find out how Sidewinders seek and destroy.

How Light Works

Some of the brightest minds in history have focused their intellects on the subject of light. Einstein even tried to imagine riding on a beam of light. We won't get that crazy, but we will shine a light on everything scientists have found so far.

10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs

Some scientists choose to use their own bodies in their scientific experiments. Learn about 10 self-experimenting scientists.

How Cells Work

The human body is composed of about 10 trillion cells. Everything from reproduction to infections to repairing a broken bone happens down at the cellular level. Find out all about cells.

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