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How Virtual Reality Military Applications Work

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  • Ackerman, Robert K. "Navy Researchers Target, Virtually." Signal. Vol. 60, Iss. 11.
  • Alpert, Mark. "My Virtual War." Scientific January 22, 2006. 13CB-AE8183414B7F0000
  • Barrie, Douglas. "Virtual Air War." Aviation Week & Space Technology. New York. May 16, 2005. Vol. 162, Iss 20.
  • Beier, K. "Virtual Reality: A Short Introduction." University of Michigan Virtual Reality Laboratory at the College of Engineering.
  • Carlson, Wayne. "A Critical History of Computer Graphics and Animation." The Ohio State University. 2003.
  • DARPA Tactical Language Training Project. University of Southern California, Micro Analysis & Design, UCLA CRESST, US Military Academy and Eyematic Interfaces.
  • Enterprise Solutions Competency Center. "Future Combat System." U.S. Army PEO EIS & Software Engineering Center - Belvoir.
  • Kramer, Don. "New Simulators Get Stryker Drivers Up to Speed." U.S. Army News. April 27, 2007. stryker-drivers-up-to-speed/
  • Macedonia, Michael. "Games, Simulation, and the Military Education Dilemma." Publications from the Forum for the Future of Higher Education. 2002.
  • McGrath, Dennis and Carella, Chris. "Synthetic Environments for Emergency Response Simulation." Dartmouth College.
  • Pandemic Studios
  • Peck, Michael. "Soldiers Learn Hazards of War in Virtual Reality." National Defense. February, 2005. Learn.htm
  • Pursell, Robert. "USJFCOM Signs Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Alion." USJFCOM. March 21, 2007.
  • Quantum3D, inc. "Quantum3D expedition fielded by U.S. Army for Virtual Squad Training System (VSTS) initial deployment at Shofield Barracks, Hawaii. July 10, 2007.
  • Rock, Aaron. "Virtual environment reinforces real-world skills." Marine Corps News. February 20, 2007.
  • Seals, Bob. "The Virtual Battlefield." Special Warfare. Sep/Oct 2006. Vol. 19, No. 5.
  • Tate, David, et al. "Virtual Environments for Shipboard Firefighting Training." Naval Research Laboratory.
  • U.S. Army News Release. "Future Combat Systems (FCS) Mobile Demonstration Trailer and Technologies Display." May 7, 2007. systems-fcs-mobile-demonstration-trailer-and-technologies-display/
  • U.S. Army. "Virtual Army Experience."
  • United States Naval Institute. "Simulation training Today." United States Naval Institute Proceedings. December, 2005. Vol 131, Issue 12.
  • Vargas, Jose Antonio. "Virtual Reality Prepares Soldiers for Real War." Washington Post. February 14, 2006. AR2006021302437.html