Future Military Technology

What will the military of the future look like? Get a glimpse of upcoming technologies and how they might be utilized, including combat wear, future space wars and high-tech military robots.

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One U.S. Army leader says robots could account for a significant portion of American fighting forces in the next 20 years or so. Find out how machines are waging war now and how they may change the face of battle in the decades to come.

By Chris Opfer

For the battlefield of the future, the U.S. Army is developing an infantry uniform that will provide superhuman strength and much more. Learn how the Future Force Warrior will turn a soldier into an "F-16 on legs."

By Kevin Bonsor

Soldiers face danger every day -- detecting landmines, deactivating unexploded bombs and scoping out hostile buildings are tasks that don't always require a human presence. That's where military robots come in.

By Ed Grabianowski


Capable of firing a round of shots from what appears to be out of nowhere, the no-line-of-sight cannon (NLOS-C) can put the kibosh on enemy movement.

By Josh Clark

Military types are looking to drones to fly the deadly skies.

By Chris Opfer

If you're a fan of Iron Man comic books and movies, you probably wish you had a flight-capable suit of armor to battle evildoers. Well, you might just be in luck.

By Kevin Bonsor & Patrick J. Kiger

Weapons in space that can knock down missiles have been under development for years and are starting to look realistic. Learn how they will work!

By Kevin Bonsor


The U.S. Army's Future Combat Systems (FCS) initiative is a massive overhaul of military technology intended to prepare the Army for modern warfare. Learn how.

By Ed Grabianowski

When he needs a new state-of-the-art trick up his sleeve, James Bond asks Q. Who do U.S. soldiers go to for cutting-edge equipment?

By Jonathan Strickland

The military uses virtual reality for most everything -- from learning to fly a jet fighter to putting out a fire onboard a ship. Learn about how virtual reality military applications help with training and safety enhancement, and serve as a tool to analyze military maneuvers and battlefield positions.

By Jonathan Strickland

Laser weapons have been depicted in science fiction for years, but they do exist in real life. How is the military looking to use laser technology?

By Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D.


Winning wars sometimes requires innovative new tools, so it seems possible that new technologies are developed in the heat of battle. But is all technology born from conflict?

By Jonathan Strickland

The idea of anyone messing with your mind probably makes you nervous. But what if doctors could put that power to good use without drilling a hole through your skull?

By Robert Lamb

The Trump administration wants to develop a new generation of low-yield nuclear weapons that could be used without launching an all-out nuclear war.

By Patrick J. Kiger