Six of Wands: Triumph and Success in Tarot

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6 of wands
The 6 of Wands is a card of success, depicting a figure on horseback receiving accolades from a crowd with wands in hand. Los Muertos Crew / Pexels

The Six of Wands is a powerful and inspiring card in the Tarot deck. It represents triumph, success, and recognition for your hard work and achievements. When this card appears in a reading, it signifies that you are on the path to victory, and others are taking notice of your accomplishments. In this article, we will explore the meaning, symbolism, and interpretation of the Six of Wands card, as well as its influence in different areas of life.


Understanding the Six of Wands Tarot Card

The Six of Wands is associated with keywords such as success, victory, progress, self-confidence, and recognition. In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the card depicts a figure on horseback, wearing a victory wreath on their head, and surrounded by a cheering crowd. The rider holds a wand with a wreath tied to the top, symbolizing their achievements and success.

Upright Six of Wands Meaning

In its upright position, the Six of Wands signifies that you have achieved a significant milestone or goal. You have overcome obstacles and challenges, and now you are reaping the rewards of your hard work. This card indicates that others are recognizing and applauding your accomplishments. It may manifest as receiving an award, praise, or public acknowledgment for your achievements.


Money and Career

In terms of finances and career, the Six of Wands indicates success and triumph. You may receive a promotion, raise, or new job opportunity, thanks to your dedication and efforts. Your achievements are being noticed by your superiors and colleagues, leading to greater financial stability and professional growth.

Love and Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, the Six of Wands suggests a harmonious and successful partnership. You and your partner are on the same page, supporting each other's goals and celebrating each other's victories. If you are single, this card indicates that you are attracting potential partners who admire your confidence and accomplishments.

Health and Spirituality

In terms of health, the Six of Wands signifies a successful recovery or a positive outcome in your healing journey. Your efforts to improve your well-being are paying off, and you are regaining your strength and vitality. Spiritually, this card represents leadership and guidance. Others may look up to you for inspiration and seek your advice on their own spiritual paths.

Reversed Six of Wands Meaning

When the Six of Wands appears in reverse, it suggests a temporary setback or a lack of recognition for your achievements. You may feel disappointed or discouraged because your efforts have not been acknowledged or rewarded as you had hoped. It is essential to remain resilient and persistent in pursuing your goals, despite the challenges you may face.

Money and Career

In terms of finances and career, the reversed Six of Wands indicates a lack of success or recognition. You may experience setbacks or obstacles that hinder your progress. It is crucial to reassess your strategies, seek support from others, and stay focused on your goals to overcome these challenges.

Love and Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Six of Wands suggests a lack of support or acknowledgment from your partner. There may be a lack of communication or understanding, leading to feelings of disappointment or unfulfilled expectations. It is essential to have open and honest conversations to address any issues and work together towards a more harmonious relationship.

Health and Spirituality

In terms of health, the reversed Six of Wands indicates a need for self-care and self-compassion. You may be pushing yourself too hard, neglecting your well-being in the pursuit of success. Take the time to rest, recharge, and prioritize your physical and emotional health. Spiritually, this card reminds you to stay humble and grounded. Avoid becoming overly arrogant or self-centered, as it may hinder your spiritual growth and connection with others.


Six of Wands and Astrology

The Six of Wands is associated with the astrological sign of Leo. Leo is known for its confident and charismatic nature, representing leadership, self-expression, and creativity. When this card appears in a reading, it reflects the positive attributes of Leo, such as self-assurance, passion, and the ability to shine brightly.


Important Card Combinations

The Six of Wands can have different meanings and interpretations when combined with other Tarot cards. Here are a few notable combinations:

Six of Wands and The Fool

When the Six of Wands appears with The Fool, it signifies a new beginning filled with success and recognition. The Fool represents a fresh start, and the Six of Wands indicates that you are embarking on a journey where your talents and achievements will be celebrated.


Six of Wands and The Lovers

The combination of the Six of Wands and The Lovers suggests a successful and harmonious partnership. This pairing indicates that your relationship is flourishing, and you and your partner are supporting each other's goals and celebrating your shared accomplishments.

Six of Wands and The Devil

When the Six of Wands appears with The Devil, it warns against becoming too obsessed with external recognition and material success. The Devil represents temptation and attachment, and this combination reminds you to stay true to your values and not let your ego drive your actions.

Six of Wands and The World

The combination of the Six of Wands and The World signifies a significant achievement or milestone in your life. It represents the completion of a long-term goal and the recognition you receive for your accomplishments. This pairing indicates that you have reached a state of fulfillment and success.

Six of Wands and The Tower or Five of Cups

When the Six of Wands appears with The Tower or Five of Cups, it suggests that your success may come after a period of upheaval or disappointment. These combinations remind you that setbacks and challenges are a part of the journey towards success, and they can ultimately lead to personal growth and resilience.

Six of Wands and Five of Swords

The combination of the Six of Wands and Five of Swords warns against using manipulative or unethical tactics to achieve success. It reminds you to stay true to your values and integrity, even in competitive situations. True success comes from genuine achievements and positive influence.

Six of Wands and The Chariot or Nine of Cups

When the Six of Wands appears with The Chariot or Nine of Cups, it signifies a time of triumph and celebration. This combination represents a period of great success, where your hard work and determination pay off. It indicates that you are in control of your destiny and are achieving the results you desire.

Six of Wands and Knight of Pentacles

The combination of the Six of Wands and Knight of Pentacles suggests a steady and methodical approach to achieving success. It represents the importance of patience, discipline, and perseverance in reaching your goals. This pairing reminds you to stay focused and dedicated, even when progress seems slow.

Six of Wands and Ace of Wands

When the Six of Wands appears with the Ace of Wands, it signifies a burst of creative energy and inspiration. This combination represents new opportunities and the potential for success in your endeavors. It indicates that you have the passion and drive to pursue your goals and make a significant impact.


Six of Wands Tarot Cards

In addition to the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the Six of Wands appears in various Tarot decks, each with its unique artistic interpretation. Some notable decks featuring the Six of Wands include the Tarot of Marseille, the Thoth Tarot, and the Wild Unknown Tarot. The imagery and symbolism may vary in these decks, but the core meanings of success, recognition, and triumph remain consistent.


What Do You Think of The Six of Wands?

The Six of Wands is a card of triumph and success, representing the recognition and rewards for your achievements. It reminds us that hard work, perseverance, and self-confidence can lead to great accomplishments. Whether you have recently achieved a significant milestone or are on the path to success, the Six of Wands encourages you to celebrate your victories and inspire others with your achievements.

Remember, Tarot cards offer guidance and insights, but ultimately, it is up to you to take action and make the most of the opportunities presented to you. Embrace the energy of the Six of Wands, and let it inspire you to reach new heights of success and fulfillment in your life.


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