Discover the Meaning of The Moon Tarot Card

By: HowStuffWorks  | 
the moon card
The Moon Card symbolizes the hidden, emotional layers of the mind. It invites exploration of dreams and intuition. michael lim / Pexels

The Moon tarot card has always been surrounded by an air of mystery and intrigue. Its enigmatic symbolism invites us to dive deep into our subconscious mind, unraveling hidden truths and tapping into our intuitive powers. Are you prepared to embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery and illumination?

In this blog post, we will explore the Moon tarot card description, its significance in readings, and the meanings of both the upright and reversed positions. We will also delve into various Moon tarot card combinations and their interpretations. By understanding the Moon tarot card meanings, you will be better equipped to navigate the murky waters of your own intuition and dreams.


Short Summary
  • The Moon tarot card encourages us to trust our intuition and use it as a tool to confidently lead ourselves towards success.
  • The combination of the Moon with other cards reveals fascinating insights that help uncover hidden truths.
  • Appreciate diverse interpretations of the card for deeper understanding and make informed decisions in uncertain times.


The Moon Tarot Card Description

The Moon tarot card is a major arcana card that features a captivating scene. It includes:

  • A full moon illuminating the night sky, casting its ethereal glow on the landscape below
  • A small pool of water in the foreground, reflecting the moon’s light
  • A crayfish crawling out from the depths of the pool
  • A dog and a wolf standing on either side of the pool, representing our animalistic nature and the balance between our primal instincts and domesticated selves
  • Two large towers in the distance, symbolizing the duality of light and darkness, truth and illusion.

This enchanting moon tarot card description holds the key to understanding its profound meanings. The moon itself is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the subconscious mind, while the pool hints at the uncharted depths of our inner world. The dog and wolf remind us of our constant struggle to balance our primal instincts and higher consciousness. As we explore the Moon tarot card, we will uncover the hidden truth within its captivating imagery.


The Significance of the Moon Tarot Card

The Moon Tarot card is a powerful symbol that represents:

  • The unconscious
  • Insightful visions
  • Strong intuition
  • Delving into the world of dreams and visions
  • Guiding us towards a higher understanding of ourselves and our surroundings
  • Trusting our inner wisdom
  • Navigating the often uncertain waters of life with grace and courage

The Moon tarot card is also closely tied to the natural cycles of life, such as a woman’s menstrual cycle, which can cause mood swings and hormonal imbalances. By connecting with the Moon’s energy, we can learn to embrace these natural fluctuations and use them to our advantage, helping us to grow both emotionally and spiritually.


Intuition and Dreams

Intuition is an invaluable asset when unlocking the profound meaning of the Moon tarot card. It assists us in deciphering the symbolism of the card and interpreting its messages. Our dreams also play a significant role in understanding the Moon tarot card, providing invaluable insight into its deeper meanings.

By paying close attention to our dreams and trusting our gut feelings, we can gain a greater understanding of the Moon tarot card’s messages. This allows us to interpret its meanings more effectively and make wiser choices in our lives, especially when it comes to love tarot reading and other tarot reading practices.

Embracing our intuition and dreams, we can unlock the full potential of the Moon tarot card, leading us towards a path of personal growth and self-discovery.

Navigating Uncertainty

The Moon Tarot card teaches us to:

  • Face our fears, illusions, and uncertainties head-on
  • Trust our instincts and tap into our inner wisdom to find our way through life’s uncertainties
  • Remember that not everything is black and white, and that relationships and situations may involve some uncertainty

In a world that is often filled with ambiguity and doubt, the Moon tarot card reminds us to embrace the unknown and navigate through it with courage and intuition, using tarot cards as a tool for guidance.

In matters of career and finances, the Moon tarot card urges us to:

  • Be mindful of our intuition
  • Be discerning and cautious when making decisions
  • Trust our gut instincts
  • Be aware of potential deception

By following these guidelines, we can successfully navigate the murky waters of uncertainty and make well-informed choices that lead us towards success and fulfillment.


Upright Moon Tarot Card Meaning

The upright Moon tarot card signifies fear, illusion, intuition, and the need to trust one’s instincts. It encourages us to delve deep into our subconscious mind to uncover the truth beneath the surface. By trusting our inner guidance system, we can navigate through the darkness and emerge into the light with newfound clarity and understanding.

In love and relationships, the upright Moon tarot card highlights potential miscommunications and encourages us to seek understanding and empathy. In career and financial matters, the Moon card urges us to be cautious and trust our intuition, being mindful of potential deception or hidden truths. In both cases, embracing the Moon tarot card meaning allows us to face our fears and uncertainties, trusting our instincts to guide us towards the right path.


Love and Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the upright Moon tarot card can suggest the potential for:

  • Clarity
  • Security
  • Understanding
  • Trust

By exploring our inner selves and examining our unconscious beliefs and attitudes, we can uncover barriers to love and work towards greater acceptance and harmony in our relationships.

The Moon Tarot card encourages:

  • Open communication
  • Willingness to embrace the unknown
  • Mindfulness of our own feelings and those of our partner
  • Working together to overcome obstacles
  • Creating a stronger and more resilient bond

By following these principles, we can journey towards a more fulfilling and loving partnership.

Career and Finances

When it comes to career and financial decisions, the upright Moon tarot card emphasizes the importance of caution, trusting our intuition, and being aware of potential deception. It encourages us to be discerning and take our time when assessing opportunities, ensuring that we have all the information we need to make well-informed choices.

In the face of uncertainty, the Moon tarot card teaches us to:

  • Trust our gut instincts and inner guidance system
  • Separate our fears from our intuition
  • Confidently navigate the often murky waters of career and financial matters
  • Lead us towards success and prosperity.


Reversed Moon Tarot Card Meaning

The reversed Moon tarot card symbolizes the release of fear, inner confusion, and the importance of facing problems head-on. It suggests that we are currently experiencing an intuitive period or have recently overcome confusion, anxiety, and self-deception. By trusting our inner wisdom and embracing the lessons of the reversed Moon tarot card, we can gain insight and perspective, leading to a more positive outlook and stability.

In love and relationships, the reversed Moon tarot card can signify:


  • The reality of the relationship is becoming more clear
  • Any deceit or treachery will be revealed
  • The relationship is being brought closer to a place of truth and understanding.

In career and financial matters, the moon reversed indicates that clarity is likely to emerge, and any deception may be revealed, helping us to make more informed decisions. This is similar to the effects of the reversed Moon card in tarot readings.

Love and Relationships

When the Moon tarot card appears reversed in a love reading, it can indicate that the truth of the relationship is coming to light, or that there is potential for positive transformation. By trusting our intuition and embracing the lessons of the reversed Moon tarot card, we can overcome confusion and deception, leading to a more honest and open relationship.

For single individuals, the reversed Moon tarot card can suggest the need to trust our instincts when assessing potential partners. By being mindful of warning signs and potential deception, we can make better choices in our pursuit of love, leading to more fulfilling and rewarding relationships.

Career and Finances

In career and financial matters, the reversed Moon tarot card indicates that clarity is likely to emerge, and any deception may be revealed. This newfound clarity can help us make more informed decisions and navigate the often uncertain waters of our professional and financial lives with greater confidence and success.

When faced with potentially confusing or deceptive situations, the reversed Moon card encourages us to trust our instincts and be confident in discerning our intuition from our fears. By doing so, we can successfully navigate the often murky waters of career and financial matters, ultimately leading us to greater success and prosperity.


The Moon Tarot Card Combinations

Various combinations of the Moon tarot card with other cards in the deck can provide interesting and insightful interpretations. By understanding these combinations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the Moon tarot card and its profound influence on our readings.

In the following subsections, we will explore the intriguing combinations of the Moon tarot card with the High Priestess and Strength cards. These combinations can shed light on hidden truths, secret pregnancy, and the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges.


The Moon and the High Priestess

The psychic combination of the Moon and the High Priestess is truly fascinating, suggesting hidden truths and possible secret pregnancy. Both cards are associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and the subconscious mind, creating a powerful and insightful pairing.

When the Moon and the High Priestess appear together in a reading, it is an invitation to delve deep into our subconscious and uncover hidden knowledge, mysteries, and secrets. By embracing the powerful connection between these two cards, we can gain profound insights and unlock the hidden truths that lie within.

The Moon and Strength

The combination of the Moon and Strength encourages perseverance towards our goals and the overcoming of obstacles. Both cards represent the importance of tapping into our inner strength and courage to face the unknown and confidently overcome any challenges that lie ahead.

When the Moon and Strength cards appear together in a reading, they serve as a powerful reminder to trust our instincts and inner wisdom, even in the face of uncertainty. By embracing this potent combination, we can find the strength and determination needed to conquer our fears and achieve our goals.


The Moon Tarot Card in a Yes or No Reading

In a yes or no reading, the Moon tarot card often results in a negative answer due to:

  • Confusion
  • Risk
  • Lack of information
  • Deception

The presence of the Moon card in a reading serves as a reminder to be extra mindful and careful in whatever we do, especially when the moon appears and moon shines, as not everything may be as it seems.


In order to gain a more accurate and insightful response, it is important to consider the Moon tarot card in combination with other cards in the reading. By doing so, we can uncover hidden truths and gain a deeper understanding of the situation at hand, allowing us to make more informed decisions.


The Moon Tarot Card Artwork

The Moon tarot card has inspired countless artists to create their own unique interpretations of its enigmatic imagery. From traditional tarot decks to more modern and abstract designs, the Moon tarot card continues to captivate and intrigue both tarot enthusiasts and art lovers alike. With a tarot deck in hand, one can explore the depths of the Moon tarot and uncover its many secrets.

We invite you to explore the various artistic interpretations of the Moon tarot card and share your own designs in the comments section below. By appreciating the diverse range of artwork inspired by the Moon tarot card, we can gain a deeper understanding of its symbolism and meaning, enriching our tarot practice and enhancing our connection with this mysterious card.



Throughout this blog post, we have delved into the mysterious and captivating world of the Moon tarot card, exploring its symbolism, meanings, and influence in tarot readings. By understanding the Moon tarot card description and its significance in both upright and reversed positions, we can unlock the profound wisdom and insight it offers, guiding us towards greater self-awareness and personal growth.

As we continue our tarot journey, let the Moon tarot card serve as a reminder to trust our intuition, embrace our dreams, and face our fears with courage and determination. By doing so, we can illuminate the path ahead, navigate the uncertainties of life, and ultimately, find our way to the light.


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