Search Results | stem cell

Your search for "stem cell" returned 69 results

Paul Berg

Berg, Paul (1926-), an American biochemist and molecular biologist, has been at the forefront of genetic engineering, both as an inventor of a pioneering procedure and as an advocate concerned about the risks of genetic research.

How Cloning Works

Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means. In this article, we will examine how cloning works and look at possible uses of this technology.

How Scientific Peer Review Works

Scientific peer review is a quality-control system that critiques all new scientific discoveries. Learn more scientific peer review and its flaws.

Will the Hayflick limit keep us from living forever?

With the discovery of the Hayflick limit, we know that cells could divide forever without dying. So can humans live forever? Explore the Hayflick limit.

Can we bring Neanderthals back?

Neanderthals and humans coexisted for thousands of years, but the relationship between the two species was always a bit dysfunctional. Could we get reacquainted with our evolutionary peers?

Super Genetics: Genes That Protect Against COVID-19 and More

Countless superhero movies have been released in the past decade, playing to our fascination with people with higher than usual abilities. But what if people really could have superpowers like those portrayed in the movies, thanks to the inheritance of so-called super genes?

Are we 10 years away from artificial life?

Artificial life could exist as soon as 10 years from now, according to an Associated Press article published in 2007. Learn about artificial life.

How Nanowires Work

Nanowires are incredibly thin structures that have an incredible length-to-width ratio. Learn about nanowires and how nanowires are created.

Hisashi Ouchi Suffered an 83-day Death By Radiation Poisoning

In 1999, Hisashi Ouchi, a Japanese nuclear fuel plant worker was exposed to critical levels of radiation. He suffered the worst radiation burns in history. He lived for 83 agonizing days afterward as his body all but disintegrated.

Would having your own clone be like having an identical twin?

The difference between a clone and a twin isn't great genetically. Find out why a clone and a twin are so similar and which would be your best match.

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