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How Aphrodisiacs Work

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  • Uses of rhino horn. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.
  • Rhinoceros Trade. World Wildlife Fund.
  • Aphrodisiacs: Their Biological Basis.
  • Exercise As An Aphrodisiac. Discovery Health.
  • Aphrodisiacs Make Better Flirts and Lovers. University of Pennsylvania.
  • What Some Scientists are Saying about Supposed Aphrodisiacs.
  • Kamhi, Ellen, PhD RN. Natural Aphrodisiacs.
  • The Myth of Spanish Fly.
  • Inhibited Sexual Desire in Women.
  • Take Two Anchos and Call Me in the Morning: The Medicinal POwer of Chiles.
  • The Effects of Odors On Penile Blood Flow.
  • Designer Aphrodisiacs.
  • Aphrodisiacs: Love Potions or Poisons?
  • The Scent of Seduction: How to Use Scent to Your Advantage in the Game of Love
  • "Plants of Love: The history and aphrodisiacs and a guide to their identification and use," by Christian Ratsch, Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA, ISBN: 0-898915-928-8