Quiz: Apollo 11, the First Moon Landing

Estimated Completion Time
1 min
Quiz: Apollo 11, the First Moon Landing
Image: Heritage Space/Heritage Images/Getty Images

About This Quiz

It's been more than 50 years since humans first landed on the moon. Pull up a lunar module and let's see how much you know about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and the adventure that immortalized them.
Apollo 11 launched out of which U.S. state?
Fill in the Blank: Apollo 11's lunar module was famously nicknamed _________.
the Arrow
the Patriot
the Eagle
Before he took the reins on Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong commanded which of the following NASA missions?
Gemini 8
Apollo 7
Friendship 7


When the Eagle finally reached the moon, where did it land?
at the lunar north pole
in the "Sea of Tranquility"
in the "Sea of Fecundity"
Which Apollo 11 astronaut was born outside of the United States?
Neil Armstrong
Michael Collins
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Armstrong and Aldrin left which of the following instruments behind on the lunar surface?
a seismometer set
a windsock
a hygrometer


Which of these historical artifacts were taken aboard Apollo 11's lunar module?
Galileo's first telescope
parts of a Wright brothers' airplane
a copy of the Declaration of Independence
True or false: Then-president Richard Nixon attended the Apollo 11 launch.
After they returned to Earth, how much time did the crew spend in quarantine?
3 days
11 days
21 days


What did Neil Armstrong famously say when he first stepped on the moon's surface?
"Houston, we have a problem."
"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
"Magnificent desolation."