The legendary creature is said to suck blood from livestock with multiple sightings across North, Central, and South America.
What lurks in the shadows, bearing red eyes and a thirst for blood? The name "Chupacabra," or "goat sucker" in English, may sound whimsical, but for many in Latin America and the southwestern United States, it's a word that evokes fear, curiosity and disbelief.
With the bloodsucking monster's mysterious origins, conflicting descriptions and the chilling consistency of its telltale attacks, the Chupacabra has transcended urban legends like that of La Llorona to become a symbol of the unknown. But is it merely a figment of the imagination, or is there something more tangible lurking behind the myth?
The name "Chupacabra" comes from two Spanish words: "chupar," which means "to suck," and "cabra," meaning "goat." So, "Chupacabra" can be literally translated as "goat sucker."
Many reports of attacks and incidents perpetrated by the Chupacabra legend involve livestock killings, including goats and slain domestic animals or wild prey with telltale puncture wounds on their necks, indicating a blood-sucking vampire beast roaming the night. This is how the famed cryptid got its namesake.
Alleged Evidence of Chupacabra Attacks
Historical Chupacabra Sightings
Originally, owners of the victims thought the Chupacabra to be a half-human, half-vampire beast. Stories around the original Chupacabra began in newspapers dating back to the 1950s.
In fact, the first reported case in North America was in Arizona sometime around 1956, which means this heavy creature has been on the radar of cryptozoologists (scientists who study animals that may or may not be real) in North and South America for nearly 70 years.
This menacing entity was first introduced to the realm of mythical creatures in 1975, following the brutal killings of numerous farm animals in the small town of Moca Puerto Rico. It gained notorious prominence in the 1990s as the attacks escalated in both occurrence and magnitude and was called "el vampiro de Moca" or the 'the vampire of Moca' in english.
Many trace the tale back to a Puerto Rican woman named Madelyne Tolentino, whose description of the creature seen outside of her window in San Juan in 1995 became the basis for most other accounts of the cryptid. Some accounts detail incidents where hundreds of animals were massacred at once—including goats, chickens, ducks, and dogs—indicating the Chupacabras' voracious appetite for diverse prey.
Initial encounters with this three-foot-tall creature, characterized by its sharp teeth and fiery eyes, originated in Puerto Rico but soon proliferated to Central America and the Southern United States. It has been predominantly sighted in South America, with ongoing reports, especially in Chile, maintaining its presence in contemporary folklore.
Recently Claimed Sightings
2023 - A cryptic entity has been reportedly observed in Bolivia, coinciding with instances of livestock found lifeless, seemingly drained of blood, leading to heightened concerns of a legendary demon wreaking havoc in the vicinity. The eerie drone footage, captured near Oru city, reveals a shadowy figure, wandering through a field. This enigmatic appearance aligns with the demise of multiple cows, llamas, and alpacas in the region, their unique neck injuries prompting local speculation of an attack by a Chupacabra.
2022 - A perplexing "object" was recorded by security cameras at the Amarillo Zoo in Texas, prompting the city to seek public assistance in identifying it. The unusual image was captured around 1:25 a.m. on May 21, within the zoo's perimeter fence. The city is left wondering whether the entity was a nocturnal individual donning an odd hat, a large coyote standing on its hind legs, or possibly a Chupacabra, leaving the identification of this mysterious figure an open question for the residents of Amarillo to resolve.
2019 - An individual observed a peculiar entity roaming around the west side corridor of Houston. The creature, captured on film, remains unidentified definitively, but some speculate that it bears resemblance to the legendary, though mythical, Chupacabra.
2014 - In 2014, a family from Ratcliffe, Texas, reported that they had trapped what they believed to be a Chupacabra in a cage.
The Location of the Alleged Beast
Although incidents have been reported in Arizona, Oregon, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, Florida, and parts of Chile, Brazil and Mexico, the majority of activity has occurred in Puerto Rico. A rash of alleged attacks plagued various regions of Puerto Rico in 1995 — in Canovanas alone, several hundred livestock fatalities were attributed to the Chupacabra.
With reported sightings in various regions of Latin America and the United States, this is one well-traveled beast. The Chupacabra was at its height of notoriety in the 1990s, even surpassing such longtime favorites as Nessie (the Loch Ness monster) and Bigfoot.
Characteristics and Origins of the Urban Legend
Reported incidents of these sorts of monsters vary somewhat, but there are several basic characteristics that pop up over and over again. In most cases, the eyewitnesses describe a beast that is 4.5 to 5.5 feet (137 to 168 cm) tall, allegedly the size of a small bear. It was said to have an oval-shaped head bearing glowing eyes with an alien-like shape. Most descriptions claim that the creature has long, sharp spines that run from the back of its head down the spine, ending at the rump.
The Chupacabra is a mythical creature that has become notorious for slaying farm animals and draining the dead bodies of their blood.
Big_Ryan / Getty Images
Many eyewitnesses report a strong, unpleasant, sulfur-type odor, but others say that the creature has no smell. Some say the skin is similar to a frog's — green in color with mottled specks; others claim that it has the appearance of furry lizard with scaly skin.
Although the bipedal creature generally ambles on two legs, it has been known to run on all four. Many assert kangaroo-like qualities, saying that the Chupacabra uses its strong hind legs to jump rather than walk. Others suggest a more ape-like quality to the creature's gait.
The origins of the Chupacabra are a subject of debate, as well. Some people believe that this creature is the left-behind pet of visitors from outer space — hence their uncanny resemblance to space aliens known as "grays." Both reportedly have large, oval heads with enormous eyes.
The alien theory doesn't end there, however. Others speculate an alien-animal crossbreed created by scientists at NASA, suggesting that the creatures are escaped experiments gone awry. One veterinarian in South America believes that the Chupacabra is a genetically modified vampire bat.
Whatever the case, it's interesting to witness people's reactions to phenomena like this. People are particularly interested in the Chupacabra for the same reason they are fascinated by humanoid extraterrestrials: We are drawn to the idea of human-like creatures, with human-like intelligence, because it means that we are not alone in the universe.
The Unfortunate Reality of Skin Disease
Mange results in severe hair loss in animals, resembling the descriptions given by individuals who allege to have witnessed a Chupacabra. Additionally, dehydration and exposure to the sun, following hair loss due to mange mite bites, can cause the skin to retract and darken. Jaap Hooijkaas / Getty Images
So far geneticists and wildlife biologists have identified all of the alleged Chupacabra carcasses as those of known animal species — mostly dogs with allergic reactions causing hair loss, and coyotes with severe cases of sarcoptic mange which gived their skin a grey scaly look and may make the remaining hair appear spikey like noted in prior sightings.
If you think you've found one, be careful as severe mange can be highly contagious. While mange is not as prevalent in humans, it has the potential to be transmitted to people and is referred to as scabies in humans. Though dead animals were reported to have been drained of blood when professionally autopsied, they were revealed to contain plenty of blood.
Expert Findings
If there ever was an expert in Chupacabras it would likely be Benjamin Radford who spent five years tracking down the beast and wrote a book about it called: "Tracking the Chupacabra (" back in 2011. After his investigation he determined that the monster sightings were influenced by the 1995 movie "Species," and that these accounts were further fueled by unreliable eyewitness testimonies, a deficiency in forensic understanding, and collective hysteria for lost livestock.
In 2010, Barry O'Connor, a biologist from the University of Michigan, deduced that Chupacabra reports in the U.S. were likely coyotes afflicted with the Sarcoptes scabiei parasite. The symptoms of this infection—sparse fur, thickened skin, and a distinct odor—align with typical Chupacabra descriptions. O'Connor suggested that these weakened animals might attack livestock, like goats, as it's easier than pursuing wild prey like rabbits or deer. Both dogs and coyotes can sometimes kill without eating their prey, due to inexperience, injury, or challenges during the hunt. The prey might endure the initial attack but later succumb to internal injuries or shock. The characteristic two puncture marks on the prey's neck align with the canine teeth of predators, a common method used by many carnivores to seize their prey.
Fact or Fiction?
So according to the few experts on Chupacabras, they do not exist however it is important to note that some creatures, once deemed to be cryptids, proved to be real new species. Indiana University Bloomington for example, found a minimum of seven species, once categorized as cryptids, have since been confirmed real. These include the now-familiar Komodo dragon, giant squid, and kangaroo.
Whether the Chupacabra is a real animal or only a product of hoaxes and imagination, its effect on human beings is the same. If somebody does finally prove the existence of Chupacabras, the legend surrounding them will die out, replaced by scientific analysis. But if the creatures remain a mystery, there will always be believers.
Frequently Asked Questions About Chupacabras
What does a chupacabra look like?
The chupacabra is often depicted as a reptilian creature with spikes or quills running down its back. It is said to be approximately 3 to 4 feet tall and is often described as having leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin, sharp spines, and glowing red eyes. It is typically portrayed as walking on its hind legs like a bipedal creature, but some accounts also describe it as moving on all fours. The creature is said to have a strong and pungent odor and is often associated with a hissing sound. However, it's crucial to note that the chupacabra is a creature of folklore and myth, and there is no scientific evidence to support its existence. Descriptions can vary widely, and some accounts even describe them more like a strange, wild dogs or mangy coyotes, often hairless and with a pronounced spinal ridge, fanged teeth, and claws.
What does chupacabra mean?
The term "chupacabra" translates to "goat-sucker" in English. It is derived from the Spanish words "chupar," meaning "to suck," and "cabra," meaning "goat." This name is given to the creature due to the folklore and reported sightings suggesting that it sucks the blood of livestock, particularly goats.
Where is the chupacabra found?
The chupacabra is a creature of folklore and has not been scientifically proven to exist. However, purported sightings and encounters with the chupacabra have been reported in various locations, primarily in the Americas. Here are some of the regions where the chupacabra has been "reported": Puerto Rico, The United States, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina.
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