Search Results | Trails -mix
Your search for "Trails -mix" returned 105 results
Why do those long, white clouds form behind jets flying high overhead?
Contrails are those long white clouds that form in the wake of an airplane flying at altitude. What causes these contrails and what are they made of? Learn the answer to this question in this article from HowStuffWorks.
What Is the Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory?
It's hard to look up in the sky on a clear day and not see a "cloud" trailing from an airplane. They're called contrails, though some refer to them as "chemtrails" and have odd explanations for their existence.
Scientists Say: Hey, Hikers, Stop Stacking Rocks!
It may seem cool to stack rocks for fun or artistic purposes but moving rocks may inadvertently threaten small mammals and insects and contribute to soil erosion.
Leonid Meteor Shower: What You Need to Know
When is the Leonid meteor shower in 2022? Learn when, where, and how to see the Leonids in this HowStuffWorks article.
Revisiting Hurricane Andrew at 30: A Reflection
Explore the impact of Hurricane Andrew. Understand its devastation and historical significance. Learn about Hurricane Andrew today.
Tau Herculids Meteor Shower Produced Shooting Stars, but no Meteor Storm
The Tau Herculids meteor shower was made of debris from the broken comet SW3 and produced a lot of shooting stars, but not quite the meteor shower that was hoped for.
Our Amazing Solar System
Our solar system has a variety of small objects such as asteroids, comets, stars, meteors, and moons. Find out how they affect life on Earth.
What's an Accretion Disk?
Accretion disks are one way that we can spot stars and even black holes. Learn more about accretion disks at HowStuffWorks.
Does gum really stay in you for seven years?
Gum is the subject of many urban legends with the largest being that it stays in your stomach for seven years. Find out how long gum stays in your system.
7 Secret Caves We'd Love to See Inside
There are caves all over the world, but some are in places that are hard to explore - hidden by rocks, ruins or even under ice. We've found seven secret caves you probably never knew existed.