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How Ocean Currents Work

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  • MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia. "Amazon (river)." 2007. (April 22, 2008)
  • NOAA's National Ocean Service. "Currents." March 25, 2008. (April 15, 2008)
  • NOAA's National Ocean Service. "Ocean Currents." March 25, 2008. (April 15, 2008)
  • NOAA's National Ocean Service. "Tides and Water Levels." March 25, 2008. (April 18, 2008)
  • Osher Map Library. "The Gulf Stream." University Southern Maine. 2001. (April 18, 2008)
  • Skinner, Brian J. and Stephen C. Porter. "The Dynamic Earth." John Wiley & Sons. 1989.