Did dinosaurs have feathers?

By: Tracy V. Wilson  | 
Archaeopteryx -- the world's oldest bird. See more dinosaur pictures.
Louie Psihoyos/Science Faction/Getty Images

If you find a feather on the ground, you probably know in an instant that it belonged to a bird. This isn't just an oversimplification. There is a 100-percent chance that any real feather you find today came from a bird or from something made from a bird's feathers, like a hat plume, a fluffy boa or the inside of a down comforter. Of all the animals in the world, only birds have feathers, and without them, birds couldn't fly.

According to the fossil record, birds and their feathers have been on Earth since the Jurassic Period. Many paleontologists consider the oldest known bird to be Archaeopteryx lithographica, which lived about 150 million years ago. Whether Archaeopteryx could fly is up f­or debate, but the primitive bird definitely had feathers -- you can see their impressions surrounding its fossilized bones. Archaeopteryx also had a wishbone, just like today's birds, while displaying some physical features that were more like reptiles, like a set of teeth and a bony tail.


­Wh­ile it may seem logical that modern birds must have descended from their oldest known relative, there are some problems with this idea. A big one is that if you traveled 125 million years into the past, you may have seen lots of animals with feathers. They weren't birds, though -- they were dinosaurs. Since the late 1990s, paleontologists have found the fossils of numerous feathered dinosaurs, including species of Caudipteryx, Microraptor and Dromaeosauridae [source: Prum]. One is even a much smaller relative of Tyrannosaurus rex known as Dilong paradoxus [source: Roach]. Many of these specimens come from fossil beds in Liaoning Providence, China, where the proximity of lakes and active volcanoes made an ideal environment for preserving the impressions of feathers.

While these impressions make it clear that some dinosaurs had feathers, the reasons behind their downy coats are less obvious. We'll look at the prevailing theories about dinosaur feathers next, and we'll explore whether such fossil finds would make "Jurassic Park" look more like "The Hoboken Chicken Emergency."


The Questions of Feathered Dinosaurs

They're not just beautiful plumage -- feathers help birds fly.
© iStockphoto/blaneyphoto

Feathers are far more intricate than reptiles' scales or mammals' hair -- they're the most complex integumentary structure -- the outer covering of an animal -- known. There are also lots of different feather shapes, from streamlined flight feathers on an eagle's wing to the billowy, decorative plumes of an ostrich's tail. But in spite of their complexity and diversity, most feathers have a similar structure. They're made of a central, hollow tube, called a rachis, and branching structures called barbs. Flight feathers have shorter barbs on one side of the rachis, creating an aerodynamic shape that gives birds lift.

While some fossil specimens show the impression of well-defined, modern feathers, not all of the plumage is so complex. Some have the impressions of fine, branching filaments. For the most part, these filaments have one of two basic arrangements. Several can meet at a common base, or they can branch off a central filament in a pattern reminiscent of a rachis and barbs. Often, paleontologists are reluctant to call the simplest arrangements feathers, instead referring to them as integumentary structures. In some specimens, critics contend that the filaments aren't feathers at all but are impressions of frilly body structures that decayed as the bones fossilized.


Dinosaur feathers also didn't necessarily create lift. Some species may have developed downy feathers to provide extra insulation. This could explain why most of the feathered fossils discovered so far are from relatively small dinosaurs -- a gigantic dinosaur like Apatosaurus wouldn't need the extra protection. Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, the biggest feathered dinosaur found in the Liaoning fossil beds so far, was only about 2.2 meters (7 feet) long [source: Norell and Xing]. The presence of quill knobs, or bumps that connect feathers to bones, in the forearms of a Velociraptor also suggests that this notorious predator had feathers on at least part of its body. Velociraptor was slightly smaller than Beipiaosaurus.

Did Microraptor gui have four wings, or did it just have feathery legs?
Getty Images News

Although dinosaurs may not have grown feathers solely for the purpose of flight, it does appear that some eventually used their feathers to glide. For example, Microraptor gui made headlines in 2003 for being a four-winged dinosaur -- one of its fossil specimens has feather impressions around both its front and back legs. Some researchers argue that Microraptor gui used the claws at the end of its fore and hind legs, or its front and back wings, to climb trees, and then it used all four limbs to glide down. This interpretation may support the theory that birds learned to fly by gliding down from trees rather the theory that flight started from the ground up.

However, there's still debate about Microraptor gui and whether its back legs were used for flying at all. It may not have been able to move its hind legs into a position that would be useful for gliding. Instead, it may have glided on the lift from its forelegs while using the feathers on its back legs to stay warm.

In some ways, feathered dinosaur fossils have raised more questions about feathers and flight than they have answered, and much of the evidence is open to interpretation. However, it's likely that fossil beds full of fine-grained paper shale, like the ones in Liaoning Province, will continue to offer researchers new clues on the origins of feathers and flight.



Frequently Answered Questions

Did the T. rex have feathers or scales?
The T. rex had scales.

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  • Hecht, Jeff. "Dinosaur Reveals Fully Formed Feathers." New Scientist. 3/6/2003. (8/12/2008) http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2002-dinosaur-reveals-fully-formed-feathers-.html
  • Hecht, Jeff. "Four-winged Dinosaur Makes Feathers Fly." New Scientist. 1/22/2003. (8/12/2008) http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3298-fourwinged-dinosaur-makes-feathers-fly.html
  • Norell, Mark A. and Xing Xu. "Feathered Dinosaurs." Annual Review of Earth Planet Sciences. Vol. 33. 2005.
  • Norell, Mark et al. "'Modern' Feathers on a Non-avian Dinosaur." Nature. Vol. 416. 3/7/2002.
  • Padian, Kevin and Kenneth P. Dial. "Could 'Four-winged' Dinosaurs Fly?" Nature. Vol. 438. 11/17/2005.
  • Perkins, S. "Did Fibers and Filaments Become Feathers?" Science News. 4/28/2001.
  • Prum, Richard O. "The Evolutionary Origin and Diversification of Feathers." The Quarterly Review of Biology. Vol. 77, no. 3. 9/2002.
  • Prum, Richard O. "Which Came First, the Feather or the Bird?" Scientific American. 3/2003.
  • Roach, John. "New Dinosaur Discovered: T. rex Cousin Had Feathers." National Geographic News. 10/6/2004. (8/12/2008) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/1006_041006_feathery_dino.html
  • Turner, A.H. et al. "Feather Quill Knobs in the Dinosaur Velociraptor." Science. 9/21/2007.
  • Wong, Kate. "Dinosaur Discovery Shows Feathers Came Before Flight." Scientific American. 4/26/2001 (8/12/2008) http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=dinosaur-discovery-shows
  • Xu, Xing et al. "Branched Integumental Structures in Sinorthinosaurus and the Origin of Feathers." Nature. Vol. 410. 3/8/2001.
  • Xu, Xing. "Feathered Dinosaurs from China and the Evolution of Major Avian Characteristics." Integrative Zoology. Vol. 1. 2006.
  • Zhang, Fucheng. "Leg Feathers in an Early Cretaceous Bird." Nature. Vol. 431. 10/21/2004.

