Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. In this section, learn about everyday chemistry, from chlorine beach to helium, and even why chocolate turns gray.
The Most Expensive Metal in the World Isn't Gold or Platinum
It's Elementary: The Periodic Table Quiz
Alkali Metals: Elements in the First Column of the Periodic Table
Understanding the Empirical Formula in Chemistry
Strong Bases: Properties, Applications and Examples
Comparing Strong Acids and Weak Acids
Delta-8 vs. Delta-9: Comparing Types of THC
What Color Is the Hottest Flame?
Why Do Bubbles Pop?
Learn More / Page 4
That's one seriously big number, and technically Amedeo Avogadro didn't even come up with it. So how did the Italian chemist make such an indelible (numerical) mark on the wonderful world of chemistry?
Why do most of us start relaxing as soon as we smell lavender or vanilla? Is it the memories they conjure up or is there a chemical reason?
By Dave Roos
Developed in Israel, this foul-smelling liquid has been used on Palestinian and Israeli protesters - and it's showing up in the United States.
By Sarah Gleim
You probably have a bottle of the stuff at your house. Have you ever seen it come in any color bottle besides brown?
The list of superstar athletes accused of - and admitting to - taking performance-enhancing drugs is almost as impressive as the number of sports that they compete in. And we're not just talking about steroids.
By William Harris, Jennifer Walker-Journey & Austin Henderson