Twinkle, Twinkle: The Ultimate Stars Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Twinkle, Twinkle: The Ultimate Stars Quiz
Image: sololos/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Stars are giant nuclear fusion reactors, and we wouldn't exist without them. How much do you know about these twinkling lights in the night sky? Find out in this challenging star quiz.
Which of the following familiar objects is a star?
the moon
the sun
It takes approximately eight minutes for a photon of light to travel from the surface of the sun to Earth. What's the approximate distance between the sun and Earth?
8 light-minutes
8,000 kilometers
8 million miles
The process by which a star produces energy from hydrogen and other elements is called ___
nuclear fission
nuclear fusion


Which of these is true about the hottest type of stars, known as spectral type O, which shine blue-white?
They are much larger than our sun and take much longer to burn out.
They are much larger than our sun but they burn out much faster.
They are smaller than our sun and burn out much faster.
Vega is one of the brightest stars in the sky. Why is it so bright?
It's a big star and very close to Earth.
It's really a white dwarf.
It's much older than our sun.
Which of the following is the most recognizable asterism (group of prominent stars that form a simple pattern) in the night sky?
Southern Cross
Orion's Belt
The Big Dipper


Which of the following twinkles the most in Earth's skies?
Planet Venus
Planet Jupiter
Star Antares
Approximately how many stars comprise our galaxy, the Milky Way?
100-400 million
100-400 billion
100-400 trillion
A friend asks you what's the distance from Earth to the constellation Orion. Why is it not possible to give a definitive answer?
A constellation is a pattern that looks like a two-dimensional shape from our vantage point, but consists of stars located at varying distances.
Constellations are so far away that astronomers cannot measure the distance to them accurately.
Orion is orbiting around Earth on an elliptical course, so its distance from us changes constantly.


Which of the following units is NOT a unit of distance across space?