Physics Terms
Major physics terms are explained in these articles. Here you can learn about some of the fundamental physics concepts.
10 Scientific Words You're Probably Using Wrong
Can a planet float on water?
Can You Nominate Yourself for a Nobel Prize?
How Do You Win a Nobel Prize?
Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Stephen Hawking?
10 Cool Things About Carl Sagan
10 Cool Things About Neil deGrasse Tyson
How do polymer crystals work and why do they absorb so much water?
Is a Karat the Same as a Carat?
Learn More
Frequency has to do with wave speed and wavelength is a measurement of a wave's span. Learn how frequency and wavelength of light are related in this article.
The world often seems chaotic and events appear to occur randomly, but what's the difference between chaos and randomness?
Planck's constant, which made an appearance in the Netflix series "Stranger Things," is one of the most important differences between reality at the atomic and subatomic level and what we can see around us.
Questions, theories and debates about quantum physics can get muddled because of a number of myths and misconceptions. Here are four of them.
Under the right conditions, hot water can somehow freeze faster than cold water. It's called the Mpemba effect. We'll explain how it happens.
By Dylan Ris
Einstein famously called the phenomenon "spooky action at a distance," and physicists just won the Nobel Prize for their work on it, but what is quantum entanglement?
The number 137, which is significant in multiple applications, has long been an object of fascination for physicists, mathematicians and mystics.