Extra Sensory Perceptions

Uncover the power of the mind and learn about the science (and pseudoscience) related to clairvoyance, ESP and other altered states of consciousness.

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Explore the High Priestess Card: a symbol of intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. Delve into its profound wisdom and the secrets it guards.

By HowStuffWorks

Journey with the Empress Tarot Card: emblem of fertility, nurturing, and abundance. Experience the embrace of Mother Nature and the power of creation.

By HowStuffWorks

Step into the realm of the Emperor Tarot Card: symbol of authority, structure, and leadership. Experience the strength of stability and the power of control.

By HowStuffWorks


Unearth the Hierophant Tarot Card: beacon of tradition, spiritual wisdom, and guidance. Delve into its teachings and the bridge between the divine and earthly.

By HowStuffWorks

Dive into the Major Arcana cards: symbols of life's spiritual journey. Explore the 22 cards that hold deep esoteric wisdom and transformative insights.

By HowStuffWorks

Uncover the Fool Tarot Card: a symbol of new beginnings, adventure, and infinite possibilities. Embrace the journey of the unknown and the spirit of exploration.

By HowStuffWorks

Explore the Past-Present-Future spread for profound insights. Understand your journey through time and make informed decisions.

By HowStuffWorks


Unveil the captivating history of tarot cards, from ancient origins to modern interpretations.

By HowStuffWorks

Explore the significance of Minor Arcana cards in tarot readings. Discover their meanings and influence on divination.

By HowStuffWorks

Would you like to be able to leave your body at will and travel to other countries and planets? Astral projection promises you can do that. But what does science say about this?

By Nathan Chandler

It isn't actually about telling your fortune, and it's not even about telling you what you should do. So, why would people seek out a Tarot reading?

By Lee Ann Obringer


The practice of hypnotism dates back centuries, and there are those who swear by its validity. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, hypnosis is an interesting phenomenon. Check it out -- and let us know if you start to bark like a dog.

By Tom Harris

Nostradamus is said to have predicted the rises of Napoleon and Hitler, the destruction of the World Trade Center and even the COVID-19 pandemic. But was this 15th-century astrologer really that smart?

By Tom Harris & Melanie Radzicki McManus

The word "nirvana" gets thrown around in conversation all the time, often to describe a state of joy or supreme happiness. Actually, it's more than that -- a whole lot more. Find out what nirvana is.

By Tom Harris

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Or called a friend at the exact moment he was calling you? Most of us have had some sort of paranormal experience. Is this evidence of the existence of ESP?

By Tom Harris


Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are most often associated with sick or injured people, but scientists recently produced these experiences in healthy people. Learn how virtual reality can scramble your point of view.

By Jacob Silverman

Decapitation is a surefire way to deliver a quick and painless death, right? In actuality, an increasingly large body of historical and scientific evidence suggests that beheading doesn't, in fact, deliver instant death.

By Josh Clark

Déjà vu is used to describe the feeling that you experienced a situation before. What causes this phenomenon? It’s not a glitch in the matrix, but most of our knowledge on the subject is still theoretical.

By Yara Simón

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are seemingly supernatural events that some people have when they're at the brink of death. Find out who typically has them and how people have tried to explain them.

By Ed Grabianowski


A report declassified in late February 2007 under the UK's Freedom of Information Act reveals that Britain's Ministry of Defence has been testing psychics. Find out why.

By Julia Layton

Numerology says everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. But critics aren't so sure.

By Tracy V. Wilson

Can infrasound explain away ghosts, hauntings and other paranormal activity?

By Diana Brown

If mental strain caused a bloody nose, academic testing sites would be awash in crimson. So why do we still see psychic nosebleeds from "Stranger Things" to "Scanners"?

By Laurie L. Dove


It's 11:11 on your phone's clock. This is what's known as an angel number. Is the universe trying to send you a message?

By Alia Hoyt

The Tower card is one that people are afraid to draw. But what if the seemingly ominous tarot card is just misunderstood?

By Dominique Michelle Astorino