Green Science
Green Science is the application of eco-friendly thinking to scientific disciplines. Learn about global warming, pollution and other impacts on nature and the planet, plus what we can do to combat them.
The Euphrates River, at the 'Cradle of Civilization,' Is Drying Up
Study Says 2035 Is Climate Change Point of No Return
5 Ideas for Doubling the World's Food Supply
What Are the Biggest Lakes in the U.S.?
The Tallest Mountain in the U.S. and 7 Close Contenders
The Cleanest Lakes in the U.S. Aren't the Same as the Clearest
How a Lithium Mine Works and Impacts Local Communities
How to Sell Electricity Back to the Grid
Are there any risks associated with the production of wind energy?
Top 5 Green Robots
5 Things to Consider When Building a Solar-powered Home
What Uses the Most Electricity in a Home?
Learn More / Page 4
It's not really green. It's "green." Unlike asphalt, green pavement is permeable, which means it lets rain soak through to the ground rather than roll off. How does this help our environment?
By Debra Ronca
No one likes paying bills. But you wouldn't have quite so many if you lived off the grid. How do you create enough energy to ditch public utilities?
Thousands of women around the world choose to combat ecological problems -- they're known as ecofeminists. But what would you do if you found out your house sat atop a toxic waste dump?
Polar bears are facing a grim future as global warming melts their Arctic home. What problems are they up against and what's being done to save them?
By Julia Layton
The word "ozone" gets tossed around conversation as casually as a softball, but how many of us could really describe what the ozone layer is? The "hole" in it isn't exactly a hole.
By Jane McGrath
If you've ever walked the New York City streets in July, you've experienced the misery of this phenomenon. Why do cities heat up like furnaces while surrounding rural areas remain cooler?
By Jane McGrath
Scientists say that as of May 2007,. more people now live in urban than in rural areas. So how do planners make cities work for all those people?
Why waste drinkable water on your yard when your old bathwater will suffice? That's the idea behind gray water reclamation -- getting the most out of your water through reuse.
By Robert Lamb
You might think of solar panels as large racks of rigid panels on someone's roof, but newer solar cells are more flexible and efficient.
Scientists are stockpiling the world's seeds, organizing them in giant libraries of planting possibilities. Is every type of plant included? Or, are the seeds of pesky plants shunned?
By Debra Ronca
Protecting the Earth is serious business for a radical group of environmental and animal activists dubbed eco-terrorists. Who are they? Why does the FBI consider them a top priority?
Relief wells made the news as a possible method to cut off the Gulf Coast oil leak, but that's not all they're used for. How do these wells prevent and stop dangerous overflows?
When you're camping, it's nice to have a light in your tent. But lanterns can catch fire and flashlights eventually run out of batteries. Does the sun offer a better solution?
By Julia Layton
If ranchers and landowners invest in grass banks, will their payout be nothing but green? Or is grass banking a temporary solution, delaying Mother Nature's inevitable bankruptcy?
We've been warned plenty about the mercury content of fish. And most of us know our new high-efficiency CFLs also contain the shiny neurotoxin. So which source should cause us more concern?
By Julia Layton
Is the same substance that makes your shampoo so sudsy really going to give you cancer? Here's the real dirt on whether sodium lauryl sulfate is bad for you.
Can you walk to restaurants from your home? Or do you have to hop in the car for every outing? How do you determine your neighborhood's walkability without taking to the streets yourself?
When Thomas Malthus warned that the human population would eventually outpace Earth's resources, he wasn't anticipating the green revolution. So why do rising food costs have some folks worried we're running at capacity?
By Julia Layton
They may seem like a fun water sport or a noisy nuisance, but whatever your stance on personal watercraft, there's no denying they pollute. So how bad are they?
By Julia Layton
Green, clean energy sounds good at first: Harness the power of the wind to run our creature comforts. But could the sounds people hear (and don't hear) from wind turbines endanger their health?
We humans like to trade one problem for another. We give up drinking only to take up smoking. Will we also exchange a reliance on dwindling fossil fuels for a food shortage caused by ethanol production?
By Robert Lamb
Plastic bags are generally unsustainable. Even if they are biodegradable, they take roughly 1,000 years to fully break down. Minnesota company NatureWorks has come up with a green plastic bag, but how eco-friendly is it?
By Josh Clark
Earth Day is the ideal time of the year to form new eco-oriented habits. Here are 10 things you can do to celebrate our planet all year long.
By Julia Layton & Sarah Gleim
There's no way around it: The world is currently gripped by a global energy crisis. As scientists scramble for answers, hydrogen energy has emerged as a great, yet flawed solution.
As the world deals with a global food crisis, farmers need to figure out how to grow crops in a clean and sustainable way. What does sustainable agriculture accomplish that conventional farming can't?
By Dave Roos