Repurposed Inventions
Repurposed inventions take recycling to a whole new level by using and improving upon existing technologies. In this section, learn about creative invention mashups and how inventions evolve over time.
10 Nobel Laureates Whose Work Changed the World
Eugenics Overshadows the Legacy of Scientific Genius Francis Galton
Jane Goodall: A Global Face for Global Peace
Who Made Fanta? Was It Really the Nazis' Favorite Soda?
'Mad Honey' Comes From Bees That Gather This Specific Nectar
Barrels and Barrels of Aged Beer
Who Invented the Toilet? A Brief History of the Flush
HowStuffWorks: How Porta Potties Work
Who invented sports drinks?
Meet the Man Who Invented Cool Whip, Tang and Pop Rocks
Thomas Edison vs. Nikola Tesla Quiz
Who Was Rube Goldberg, and What Are Rube Goldberg Machines?
The Evolution of Dictaphones: A Comprehensive History
The Evolution of the Franklin Stove: From Invention to Modern Efficiency
The Fascinating History of the Mimeograph Machine
5 Green NASA Inventions
5 Types of NASA Technology in Your Attic
How Has NASA Improved Solar Energy?
How hard is the patent application process?
How to File a Patent
Turning Air Pollution Into Ink
Is it possible to fix a blown fuse with a chewing gum wrapper?
How do scratch-and-sniff stickers work?
10 Oddball Questions Scientists Have Genuinely Tried to Answer
Why does a balloon stick to hair?
Why Do We Experiment on Mice?
10 Black Scientists You Should Know
Learn More
You think you really know an invention until -- whammo -- someone comes up with a new use for it. Ointment that soothes tired cow teats and treats baldness? Who would have thought?
These days, remote controls seem to, well, control our lives. Most people tend to have piles of them strewn about their living rooms. But where did this ubiquitous technology come from? Where is it headed?
The World Wide Web is bursting with information, so much so that it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data available to us. How can we sort through and make sense of it all? That's where Web mashups come in.
We're used to bar codes saving us time in the grocery store, but some applications of this handy technology might actually save your bacon. What are some potentially life-saving applications of bar code tech?
2-D bar codes are being used in some interesting ways. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn everything about 2-D bar codes.
The trend toward tiny houses and rabid clutter clearing have combined to lead more than a few people away from the traditional home and into shipping container life.