Everything in the universe is comprised of matter. Check out these articles for a better understanding of matter and how it affects you.
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Wavelengths are used to measure the size of a wave. Learn about wavelengths in this article.
What exactly is an atom? What is it made of? What does it look like? The pursuit of the structure of the atom has married many areas of chemistry and physics in perhaps one of the greatest contributions of modern science!
How effective is fighting a wildfire with controlled fire?
By Oisin Curran
Protons and neutrons, the particles that form the nuclei of atoms, are themselves made up of even smaller particles known as quarks.
Boyle's Law describes the relationship between pressure and the volume of a container with gas in it. As the volume of the container decreases, the pressure inside the container increases.
It isn't magic but instead science that causes the bottled water to completely freeze - and some pretty simple science at that. So, how long does it take water to freeze?
Metallurgy involves studying how metals behave and using that understanding to manipulate and shape them into various forms.
It looks completely impossible that this rock should stand, balanced as it is, but it has not moved since the last ice age.
Something very strange is afoot above the frozen landscape of Antarctica.
Atoms: the building blocks of life and the universe. We're all made of these microscopic bits of matter, but how many does it take to make a complete human being? And exactly what kinds of atoms do we have inside us?
Weight is the measurement of gravity's pull on an object. And it varies by location. Mass is a different beast altogether.
By Mark Mancini
Entropy is the disorder of a system, but that means a lot more than making a mess of a room.
A research team has found that water acts strangely on an air-drying towel, which contributes to its signature stiffness.