Science Versus Myth

Are vampires real? What is an out-of-body experience? Are crop circles proof that aliens exist? HowStuffWorks explores what is real and what is urban legend with this collection of Science Versus Myth articles.

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While organizations around the world are fighting to end famine, so far, no one has come up with a game-changer. Why does famine happen in the first place, and what would a hunger-free world be like?

By Jessika Toothman

Would we stick flowers in our hair and dance in the street? Or twiddle our thumbs and wonder what to do with all that new free time? Join us as we ponder a world without war.

By Robert Lamb

Would a world with ample water for all mean less disease? Fewer wars? Globally improved health and finances? Sip along with us as we wonder what if.

By Jonathan Atteberry


It's a crazy thought, but what if cancer didn't exist? And malaria, schizophrenia and every other illness that disrupts our normal functioning? Come along as we investigate what such a world might look like.

By Susan L. Nasr

Unless you've been living under a rock (one not appearing on Google Maps’ Street View), you're probably intimately familiar with the behemoth and its many services. But what would the world look like if this powerhouse company had never existed?

By Nathan Chandler

Before leaving work, you'll need to check the traffic report. Lately, a disruptive T. rex has meant some adjustments to your commute. What other changes would be in store if dinos roamed the Earth?

By Jessika Toothman

You know you can't believe everything you see or hear. But between the misinformation on the Internet and our natural propensity to believe what we're told, it can be hard to tell fact from fiction. Here are 10 ways to avoid being conned.

By Patrick J. Kiger


Einstein showed us a mind-blowing way the universe works, while Max Planck and his gang showed us how particles on the atomic and subatomic levels work. But one doesn't explain the other. So there must be a larger theory encompassing them ... or not?

By Kate Kershner

From plane crashes and deaths to sports superstitions and hexagrams, many people believe that the number 23 possesses magical properties.

By Patrick J. Kiger

CERN's work has been groundbreaking to say the least, but conspiracy theories run rampant about the potential disasters it could cause, too.

By Diana Brown

Theories surrounding the source of the Tunguska blast that rocked the Siberian region in 1908 abound. But the exact cause is still a mystery.

By Diana Brown


Fire will turn a human's teeth to dust. But what about a dragon's?

By Robert Lamb

Hummmmmm. Annoyed yet? Imagine if you heard that sound every night no matter what you did. Likened to a diesel engine idling in the distance, the Hum is a sound some people can never get away from. It's even caused suicide. But is it real?

By Dave Roos

It's a massive book that no one can read, and it has fascinated scientists, historians and cryptographers for decades. Is it a textbook, an encyclopedia ... or an elaborate hoax?

By Nathan Chandler

In 1977, SETI volunteer Jerry Ehman saw a transmission so exciting he circled it on paper and wrote the word "Wow!" It seemed to indicate a message from outer space. But what was it really?

By Dave Roos & Austin Henderson


The mysteries of Stonehenge have captivated us for centuries: Who built it and why? How did they move those giant stones? Though archaeologists and other researchers have replaced old theories with new ideas, many questions remain.

By Jane McGrath

Was Anna Anderson really Anastasia Romanov? Does the Bermuda Triangle really exist? Wonder no more: We have the answers to these and other formerly unsolved mysteries.

By Patrick J. Kiger

It's 11:11 on your phone's clock. This is what's known as an angel number. Is the universe trying to send you a message?

By Alia Hoyt

Explore Loch Ness Monster tales, sightings and pop culture references. From the Surgeon's Photograph to plesiosaur theories, delve into the enduring mystery.

By Nicole Antonio


Mothman sightings began in West Virginia in the late 60s, but is the elusive creature real or just a cover-up to distract the public from a tragic accident?

By Desiree Bowie

The Wampus Cat has roots in Cherokee folklore and Appalachian legends, but is the six-legged feline just another mythical creature on a long list of cryptids?

By Desiree Bowie

The Honey Island Swamp Monster is a mysterious cryptid of Louisiana, described as a Bigfoot-like creature with yellow eyes and grayish brown hair.

By Desiree Bowie

The Mongolian Death Worm is a legendary cryptid of Gobi Desert folklore with a deadly reputation. Explore the origins of the venomous sand-dwelling creature.

By Desiree Bowie


Champy, the legendary creature said to reside in Lake Champlain, has spurred over 300 alleged sightings since the 1600s. Explore the famous cryptid's origins.

By Desiree Bowie

Mokele-Mbembe is a legendary creature of African folklore that is rumored to inhabit Congo's remote swamps. Here's the story of this dinosaur-like cryptid.

By Desiree Bowie