Do you know how common everyday items, such as mirrors, fireworks or sunglasses work? This collection of Innovation articles explores the workings of objects you may come into contact with on a regular basis.
10 Nobel Laureates Whose Work Changed the World
Eugenics Overshadows the Legacy of Scientific Genius Francis Galton
Jane Goodall: A Global Face for Global Peace
Who Made Fanta? Was It Really the Nazis' Favorite Soda?
'Mad Honey' Comes From Bees That Gather This Specific Nectar
Barrels and Barrels of Aged Beer
Who Invented the Toilet? A Brief History of the Flush
HowStuffWorks: How Porta Potties Work
Who invented sports drinks?
Meet the Man Who Invented Cool Whip, Tang and Pop Rocks
Thomas Edison vs. Nikola Tesla Quiz
Who Was Rube Goldberg, and What Are Rube Goldberg Machines?
The Evolution of Dictaphones: A Comprehensive History
The Evolution of the Franklin Stove: From Invention to Modern Efficiency
The Fascinating History of the Mimeograph Machine
5 Green NASA Inventions
5 Types of NASA Technology in Your Attic
How Has NASA Improved Solar Energy?
How hard is the patent application process?
How to File a Patent
Turning Air Pollution Into Ink
10 New Uses for Old Inventions
How Do QR Codes Work? 2D Barcodes Explained
How can a bar code save your life?
Is it possible to fix a blown fuse with a chewing gum wrapper?
How do scratch-and-sniff stickers work?
10 Oddball Questions Scientists Have Genuinely Tried to Answer
Why does a balloon stick to hair?
Why Do We Experiment on Mice?
10 Black Scientists You Should Know
Learn More / Page 9
If you're a gamer, you've got Jerry Lawson to thank for inventing the first commercial home video game console with interchangeable game cartridges.
This is one 'supermaterial' that might actually live up to its hype. So what is graphene really, and why is it so versatile?
They're instantly recognizable - mostly for their color. We're talking about yellow legal pads. So who decided they'd be yellow, anyway?
By Meg Sparwath
Hedy Lamarr's twin passions were acting and inventing. During World War II, she came up with a secret communication system that paved the way for technology like WiFi and GPS. But for decades, people thought this was an urban legend.
It's almost like making food out of air.
Although spending time upside down can be good for overall health, doing so eventually can be fatal under the right conditions.
The pollution produced by cars, trucks and factories can be recycled as ink, cleaning the air of dangerous particulate matter and turning it into a useful product.
By Jim Marion
Explore the ingenuity of Eli Whitney's cotton gin, a machine that transformed cotton processing, reshaped industries and influenced economies.
Learn how the invention of the world's first motorcycle in the 19th century shaped the future of mobility and revolutionized two-wheeled transportation.
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce is responsible for the first photo ever taken. Almost lost to time, the image used a process called heliography.
By Yara Simón
The flying shuttle was a transformative invention during the Industrial Revolution. Learn more about the device that revolutionized the weaving process.
Explore the mechanics and inner workings of the internal combustion engine, an innovation of the Industrial Revolution that transformed transportation.
The phonograph transformed audio recording, leaving a lasting impact on how we capture and preserve sound. Learn about the invention's history and evolution.
The pneumatic tire revolutionized transportation and a number of other industries that rely on air-cushioned rubber tires.
Invented in 1824, Portland cement remains prominent in modern construction. Learn about the hydraulic binder's raw materials and applications.
The power loom was one of the most significant inventions of the Industrial Revolution. Learn more about the mechanized device that transformed the textile industry.
The spinning jenny revolutionized the process of spinning yarn during the Industrial Revolution. Read on to learn about its impact on textile production.
The spinning mule shaped the textile industry and society as a whole during the Industrial Revolution. Read on to learn about the groundbreaking invention.
The telegraph was a groundbreaking invention that transformed communication in the 19th century. Explore its impact on news media and global connectivity.
By Yara Simón
The water frame was a revolutionary textile machine that mechanized spinning, transforming the cotton industry and driving industrialization.
Steamships quickly replaced sails in the early 1800s. Learn more about the origins of steamships and the innovations that led to their creation.
By Yara Simón
James Watt's steam engine propelled the world forward. Learn about the Watt steam engine's impact and the innovations that helped make it possible.
By Yara Simón
As the result of a happy accident, scientists have created a sustainable paint that's lighter, longer-lasting and more cooling than traditional paint.
The light bulb literally brightened the whole world and Thomas Edison generally gets the credit for inventing it. But did he?
By Dylan Ris & Yara Simón
From the moment we are awoken by our alarm clock in the morning, right through to when we turn out the light before going to sleep, we use an enormous amount of inventions that make our day to day lives much easier. Many of these are relatively new inventions, whilst there are also dozens of [...] The post 10 Amazing Inventions We Don't Appreciate Enough appeared first on Goliath.
By Jonny Hughes