Genetic Science
Genetics is the study of cellular science. It furthers our understanding of how DNA and the genetic make-up of species and can lead to cures for diseases and shape our future.
Biotic Factors vs. Abiotic Factors: Examples and Dependencies
Meet the Largest Living Organism, aka the Humongous Fungus
Ascaris Lumbricoides: The Stomach Worm Nobody Wants
Indica vs. Sativa: How to Distinguish Between Cannabis Plants
Can You Crack This Nuts Quiz?
The Science Behind Your Cat's Catnip Craze
Hypertonic vs. Hypotonic Solutions: Differences and Uses
Your Phone Is a Germ Factory, So Stop Taking It to the Toilet
Why Even Identical Twins Have Different Fingerprints
Howstuffworks Interviews: Extinction Level Events with Annalee Newitz
What will the Earth look like in 50,000 years?
How did language evolve?
9 Most Common Phobias (and How To Conquer Them)
North Node Retrograde: What It Means for Your Spiritual Path
Is He Faithful? How to Identify Signs of Cheating in a Relationship
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A massive crossover of cultures and ethnicities often increases genetic variability as children inherit dominant traits from their parents. Each facial feature, skin color, and trait tells a story of people's origins.
By Mitch Ryan
Eye contact helps build trust and communication whether in business, friendships or romantic pursuits. Its importance in human socialization means that we're more likely to take note of eye color and wonder, "What is the most common eye color?"
By Talon Homer
If you're studying genetics, molecular biology or a related field, odds are good that you will need to learn how to read a codon chart (aka codon table) to better understand the genetic code.
By Marie Look
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average height in the United States is 5 feet, 9 inches (1.75 meters) for adult men and 5 feet, 3.5 inches (1.61 meters) for adult women. But some people can reach heights upwards of 7 or 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 meters)!
By Sascha Bos
Before the widespread use of DNA, establishing the paternity of a child was a tricky business. Ever heard of the oscillophore?
By Dave Roos
After scientists announced the first draft of the human genome, people began to wonder how our new understanding of DNA would change life. Several research institutes stated the accomplishment would revolutionize science and modern medicine -- but how, exactly?
What's more fun than looking at pictures of DNA and celebrities? Check out Dolly, dimples and dominant and recessive traits in this fun gallery charting how genetics play out in humans (and a few animals).
How can children from the same parents look so different? I mean, why don't all kids from the same parents look exactly alike, since the parents just have one set of chromosomes each and they don't change?
If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then your face might just be the window to your DNA. An examination of your face shape could determine if you suffer from a genetic disorder.
By Josh Clark
This week, a group of London-based scientists requested official permission to begin a three-year study involving stem cells derived from human-cow hybrids.
By Julia Layton
Hereditary illnesses are passed down from parents to their children like gene traits, and children might inherit a disease even though their parents never suffered from its symptoms. Learn about hereditary illnesses.
By Alvin Eden & Elizabeth Eden
Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means. In this article, we will examine how cloning works and look at possible uses of this technology.
What is the difference between a hardwood and a softwood? How hard does a tree have to be to be considered hardwood?
With movie titles like "Attack of the Clones" and "The Clone Wars," it's no wonder human cloning makes us anxious. As scientists make startling discoveries cloning animals, are humans next?
By Kevin Bonsor & Cristen Conger
It's a chicken-or-egg situation: What came first? Perplexed people need wonder no longer, as we've sussed out the answer to this ancient riddle.
By Alia Hoyt
Many old couples tend to look like each other due to shared life experiences, according to a recent study. Learn more about why older couples look alike.
Hair loss affects millions of Americans -- men, women and even children. That's why a recent gene therapy study from a research group at the University of Pennsylvania has many people excited.
Doctors always want your blood, but one day, a health care professional may ask you to open up and say, "Ptooey!" Why? Your spit holds a mother lode of biological information.
Can humans live forever? No, but thanks to the discovery of the Hayflick limit, we know that cells can conceivably divide forever without dying.
By Josh Clark
Chimps share almost 99 percent of our genetic makeup. What makes up that tiny, 1 percent difference? What are the things that differentiate us from other great apes?
By Tom Scheve
One day you can digest dairy, and the next, milk makes you sick. The culprit behind this crime against milk? Gene regulation. But how do certain traits just switch off?
Wouldn't it be nice to grow crops that grew 50 percent more than current varieties? How about a strain of vegetables that were safe from insects without using pesticides? Agricultural biotechnology can do that.
Some researchers on the quest for artificial life say they're only 10 years away from their goal. But could these artificial life forms turn into a science fiction nightmare?
Some news organizations have reported that redheads will disappear by the year 2060. But this fiery breed isn't taking the news lying down, and there are rumors that blonds are on the way out, too.
We love stories of twins who can sense each other's pain or know what the other is thinking. But is there really such a thing as "twinspiration" or is just coincidence?