Aliens & UFOs
Do Aliens & UFOs exist? Has man been visited by other races from other worlds? Explore the fascinating evidence for and against the existence of extraterrestrials.
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Is it possible that we are not alone in the universe, but are just like animals in a zoo to the aliens who are watching us?
By Robert Lamb
If you think about it, it'll likely be an alien machine that encounters our probes searching for intelligent life. How's that going to work?
By Greg Fish
In the early 20th century, wherever there were "flying saucers," there was also ridicule, dished out to anyone courageous or foolish enough to defy the orthodoxy. How involved were the government researchers in UFO research--and what did they find?
Modern UFO history began with the 1947 UFO sighting by pilot Kenneth Arnold. But the roots of UFO stories stretch back to ancient and medieval days. Learn about the history of UFOs and strange phenomena from ancient times to the mid-20th century.
Spring Heeled Jack is a legendary English character. He was a mysterious a Victorian-era murderer, leaping from rooftop to rooftop, leaving a trail of tragedy in his wake. Read why some think Spring Heeled Jack may have been an alien humanoid.
The Oz Factor is a sensation that UFO witnesses experience. Learn where the term "Oz Factor" came from, and what the experience is like.
In 1897 Alexander Hamilton reported a cow abduction by a UFO that appeared at his farm in Kansas. How did he fool people for half a century, and even get the made-up story in the newspaper?
Richard Sharpe Shaver was a controversial UFO storyteller promoted by magazine editor Ray Palmer in the 1940s. Shave wrote amazing stories about aliens called deros and teros. Some called him a crackpot; some called him a prophet.
Bob Lazar claimed to have worked in the S-4 section of Area 51. On that top-secret Nevada research base, he claimed to see anti-gravity reactors and flying saucers in person. How truthful were his extravagant tales?
George Adamski preached an interplanetary gospel based on contact with UFOs and aliens. Though serious investigators scoffed, he earned wide attention. Read about George Adamski and his "Space Brothers."
The Straith Letter was fabricated by two UFO writers. The letter alleged U.S. State Department had significant evidence about extraterrestrial life. Read how the fake letter from a government official fooled UFO contactee George Adamski.
Men in black have been in UFO folklore since Albert Bender mysteriously shut down his International Flying Saucer Bureau. Where do men in black come from and whose interests do they serve?
John Lear and is one of the chief conspiracy theorists of the so-called "dark side movement", which suspects a secret government of illicit dealings with aliens. Learn more about John Lear and the dark side.
Otis Carr was a businessman and hoaxster who founded OTC Enterprises to build and sell a free-energy spaceship, the OTC-X1. Read more about Otis Carr.
Majestic 12, or MJ-12, was a secret government research team. The team was tasked with investigating multiple UFO crash sites. Read more about the Majestic 12 letter to Jaime Shandera and the ensuing controversy.
Are we alone? Jodie Foster's character in "Contact" didn't think so, and neither do the scientists who've been listening for an extraterrestrial message for decades.
Alien life forms would probably differ from those on Earth but still adhere to certain principles. Learn about astrobiology and the search for alien life forms.
Less than 100 miles from Las Vegas, is the most famous secret military installation on the planet: Area 51. For decades, the U.S. government refused to acknowledge it existed. But now, the secret is out.
Foo fighters have been reported by fighter pilots since World War II. Were they with the Axis or Allies, or maybe from another planet? Read more about reports of foo fighters and censorship of foo fighter sightings.
The RB-47 UFO incident of 1957 was classified for years after it happened. Read how an RB-47 planed encountered two UFOs over Mississippi and Texas.
In 1964, police officer Lonnie Zamora saw an egg-shaped UFO in Socorro, New Mexico -- and the pilots. The encounter was so incredible that government nvestigators from the secret Project Blue Book even came to investigate.
Astronomer and defense researcher J. Allen Hynek is behind the UFO sighting classification system based on "close encounters." So what is a close encounter and have you had one?
By Suzie Dundas
Many people have reported alien abduction stories. Most of the abductees have shared their stories through hypnosis -- which causes wide disagreement about their validity. Read more about alien abductions.
By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Desiree Bowie
The Ronald Reagan UFO sighting occurred in 1974 while Reagan was flying to Bakersfield, California. Reagan told a reporter afterwards, but hasn't discussed the event since. Learn more about the Ronald Reagan UFO sighting.
In 1952, angel hair came drifting from the sky, falling over the French towns of Oloron and Gaillac. The short life of angel hair makes it difficult to analyze. Learn more about the history of angel hair UFOs.